
WooCommerce & Greyd

Die Greyd.Suite ist vollständig mit WooCommerce kompatibel. In diesem Video zeigen wir dir die zahlreichen Vorteile und zusätzlichen Funktionen, die dir durch die Kombination der beiden Tools zur Verfügung stehen – von Conditions über erweiterte Filter- und Suchfunktionen bis hin zur Synchronisation deiner WooCommerce Produkte über mehrere Websites hinweg.

Integrations, Templates & Post Types

Wie kann ich Formular- und Shop-Daten an HubSpot senden?

Mit der HubSpot-Integration kannst du aus Formulareinträgen automatisch Empfänger in HubSpot erstellen und diese in Mailinglisten aufnehmen. Auch Daten aus deinem WooCommerce Shop, z.B. Bestellungen, können ganz einfach an HupSpot übermittelt werden.


Wie verknüpfe ich Formulare mit externen Tools?

Neben HubSpot & Salesforce bietet dir GREYD.Forms zahlreiche weitere Schnittstellen, mit denen du Formulareinträge direkt mit deinen Marketing Tools synchronisieren kann. Wie das funktioniert und welche Möglichkeiten du in Sachen Datenschutz dabei hast, zeigen wir dir in diesem Video.


Wie steigere ich den Pagespeed meiner Website?

Mit der Greyd.Suite erstellst du ganz automatisch schnelle Websites. Zusätzlich bietet dir die Suite zahlreiche Optimierungsmöglichkeiten, die du schnell und einfach einsetzen kannst, um deine Seite noch schneller zu machen. Erfahre hier, wie du mit wenigen Klicks deinen Pagespeed noch weiter optimieren kannst.


Wie kann ich Formulare mit Salesforce verknüpfen?

Greyd.Forms bietet dir die Möglichkeit, Leads aus deinen Formularen mit wenigen Klicks direkt an dein CRM zu senden. Wie du ein Formular mit Salesforce verknüpfst, zeigen wir dir in diesem kurzen Tutorial.


Wie stelle ich Uberall Locations auf meiner Website dar?

Durch die Schnittstelle zu Uberall kannst du ganz einfach Uberall Locations mit deiner Greyd.Suite Website synchronisieren und so deine Unternehmensstandorte, Filialen, etc. auf deiner Website einbinden. In diesem Video zeigen wir dir, wie einfach das funktioniert.


Verwandte Artikel

Hinweis: Die Hilfsartikel stehen derzeit nur auf Englisch zur Verfügung.

I get a notice that a main element is missing?

HTML elements define the structure of your pages. One of those tags is <main> defining the part of a page containing the content. Among others, this is relevant for accessibility, i.e. for skip links to skip menus or forms to jump to the right position. In Block Themes the main element often lies in your […]

General Questions, Templates & Post Types

How can I stretch post slider content to the same height?

When displaying content in a post slider, a common issue is that the length of your dynamically inserted content may vary and thus the individual posts in your slider have different heights. If you want to display several posts next to each other and want to stretch them to the same height, this is the […]

Design, Templates & Post Types

How do I register custom dynamic tags?

Greyd.Suite Dynamic Tags allow you to display any meta field from your Greyd.Suite custom post types for example in query loops. In case you want to register custom dynamic tags (e.g. when working with post types created with other tools than our suite), we've prepared a little plugin for you that serves as a blueprint.The […]

Templates & Post Types

How can I switch to a child theme?

In this article we describe how you can switch to a child theme when you have already created contents, layouts and design that you do not want to loose:Keep the current theme activeMake a backup of your entire site, the design and files via Greyd.HubIf available, copy the additional CSS in the global styles into […]

General Questions, Templates & Post Types

How can I make dynamic fields only appear when a post data is available?

Imagine you have a post slider / query loop showing employees. Some employees have a LinkedIn profile that is to be displayed below their photo and name, some don't. You would now want your post slider to only display the LinkedIn icon when there is a LinkedIn profile available.There's an easy way to do that […]

Design, Templates & Post Types

How can I have several layouts / designs in one post overview?

With the Post Overview or Query Loop block, you can flexibly display posts – as a table, grid or list. In combination with Conditional Content, you can also visually highlight individual posts and/or work with different layouts within one post overview. To do this, simply add the Conditional Content block twice in your query loop. […]

Design, Greyd.Blocks, Templates & Post Types

Why does my site not show skip links?

Skip links are an essential accessibility feature. When someone navigates your website using the key board, skip links make their life a lot easier as they can skip elements like forms or menus if they want to navigate on the site instead of having to go through each and every menu element or form field.With […]

Design, General Questions, Templates & Post Types

How can I make taxonomies selectable via checkboxes?

Default categories for example in the blog post type are easily selectable in the backend via checkboxes and all available options are visible to the editor. Screenshot of category selection in WP blog posts When creating custom taxonomies, however, the default interface is an input field. You may see the most used taxonomies as an […]

Templates & Post Types

My site template is not connected to its site anymore

When you have a template that is assigned to a specific page, you may ran into an issue when changing the URL of that page. Your page and site template may then no longer be connected with each other.In Greyd.Suite there is an easy way to fix that: Open the Theme Asset tab in the […]

Templates & Post Types

Understanding pages & templates in FSE

Page vs. Template With Full Site Editing, you can edit pages, including the home page, directly in the Site Editor, but you don't have to. As this can be confusing for some users, we have summarised everything you need to know below: By default, most Full Site Editing themes come with a home template. If […]

Templates & Post Types

How can I make sure to only have one close X in my off-canvas burger menu?

In the Customizer navigation settings you can chose whether or not to display a close button in an off-canvas template. As off-canvas templates are often used in combination with burger icons, a close button is often not necessary as the burger icon itself acts as a close button. However, on mobile screens it may happen […]

Navigation, Templates & Post Types

How do I create categories with multiple hierarchy levels?

Whether its a GREYD.SUTIE Dynamic Post Type or a WordPress standard post type (e.g. posts) – categories can can have a hierarchy. All you have to do is select a parent category when creating a child category. Post Category Editing in WordPress Category Settings in WordPress Make sure to enable the Hierarchy-Option when creating a […]

Templates & Post Types