Currently, the WordPress Block Editor still crashes and/or displays errors from time to time. In most cases, you can resolve the problem by simply refreshing your browser window or by clicking the "Attempt Block Recovery" button:

While this may be annoying for the editor, the good news is that in most cases these kinds of block errors have no effect on the frontend.
In our Greyd Editor Helper, you will also find a feature to restore all affected blocks on a page with just one click.

Why does this happen in the first place?
The architecture of the Block Editor is designed in such a way that even for the smallest changes to the WordPress core will deprecate the entire previous version of the block. This means that third party integrators like Greyd do not only have to support many, many deprecated versions of each core block, but also often miss important settings in the deprecated versions.
How long will this problem last?
The issue of crashing blocks is already on the agenda – not only for us, but also for the WordPress core. They have recently released a new hook to access deprecated block versions. This will significantly reduce block crashes.
What should I do when restoring is not possible?
In case the "Attempt block recovery" or "Restore blocks" option does not help, please contact our support team and provide them with a screenshot that shows the error in the browser console.