
Design, Templates & Post Types

How do I build a sticky header?

You can easily build sticky headers with our content box variation "Pinned Box". You can find out how in our tutorial video in the chapter "Sticky Header". A small note on the side: The name could lead one to assume that sticky headers are built with the Sticky Box variation instead of the Pinned Box.…

General Questions, How to Start

How do I create a child theme in Greyd.Suite?

Yes, you can work with child themes in Greyd.Suite. To create one go to Appearance > Greyd installer. In the last screen you will find the option “Create child them”. Should you still work with our classic, Customizer-based version, we’ve added a clean child theme here for downloading, so you can start right now. Just…

General Questions, Greyd.Blocks, How to Start

The link viewport is outside my browser window.

Sometimes when trying to set a link, e.g. on a paragraph or headline, the link viewport appears outside of your browser window and is not editable. There are two very easy workarounds to solve that: Either click the element you want to link again. Or scroll down before clicking the trigger picker and then scroll…

General Questions, Website management

The export with multilingual post versions does not work.

Greyd.Suite offers you an Import/Export option for any post with which you can easily export and import posts including its translations. When exporting single posts, you`ll be asked whether you want to include WPML translations or not. However, in some cases there might be problems: Bulk Exports: Unfortunately the native WP bulk export does not…

General Questions, Website management

How can I customize excerpt settings?

You can adjust excerpt lengths and the ellipsis easily by adding the following code to the functions.php of your child theme and adapt it as you need: function my_custom_excerpt_length( $length ) {return 20; } add_filter( 'excerpt_length', 'my_custom_excerpt_length', 999 ); function my_custom_excerpt_more($more) {return '…read more'; } add_filter('excerpt_more', 'my_custom_excerpt_more');

General Questions, How to Start

Why are session cookies set on my website?

Certain Greyd.Suite features require session cookies, for example to recognize users after confirming an email opt-in or opt-out. These session cookies do not contain any identification of the user and therefore do not need an opt-in. A session cookie is a form of cookie that is deleted as soon as the user closes the browser…

General Questions, How to Start

Why do some triggers not work when cookies are blocked?

Certain functions (e.g. trigger events for accordions) require scripts. However, some cookie tools (e.g. Cookiebot) automatically block all kind of scripts – no matter if they do set a cookie or not – when not set otherwise. In that case it may happen, that the default.js script of GREYD.SUITE – which is necessary for triggers…

Design, Greyd.Blocks

How do I create srcoll-to-top buttons?

To create a scroll-to-top button, place the block "Greyd Buttons" on your website, then click on the trigger picker and select "scroll to". You can now select "page top". Tip: A common use case for scroll-to-top buttons is to leave the button empty (no text) and add an arrow icon. Learn more about GREYD buttons:…

Forms & Popups

What do I do when there is an error message in the forms backend?

GREYD.Forms informs you in various ways should anything go wrong with a form – e.g. if an interface is not working as it is supposed to or if an email could not be sent. You will see the respective error message in the form entry and – depending from your settings – also as an…

Forms & Popups

How can I reset forms statistics?

While there is not yet a native option to reset forms statistics, it is still very easy to reset them manually with GREYD.Hub: Open the database tab and search for the tables of the respective website. You should find a table called wp_greyd_forms_interactions or similar. Select it, scroll down and click on "delete table". Your form…

Forms & Popups

How do I create a form that only allows a certain number of submissions?

With the following code snippet you can easily use GREYD.Forms to create a form that only allows a limited number of form submissions and displays a corresponding info message. Please be aware of the comments in the snippet as the code needs to be adapted individually. if ( ! defined( 'COUNTER_FORM_ID' ) ) { /**…

Forms & Popups

An error message appears when submitting a form in the frontend.

If an error message appears on the frontend when filling out a form, you may receive an admin notification that the validation of a WordPress NONCE failed. NONCE is a WordPress security token that is also integrated into GREYD.Forms. NONCEs are used to protect against abuse and malware. If you receive such a notification, it…

Templates & Post Types

My post type is not displayed any more.

You have probably changed the name of your Post Type or other important elements such as categories or keywords after you had already included the Post Type in blocks such as Post Overview or Search. Simply open the corresponding blocks, select the Post Type again if necessary and update the pages.

Templates & Post Types

Why is it not possible to include my post types in the search?

To include Dynamic Post Types and their posts in frontend searches, you must activate the corresponding option in the settings of your Dynamic Post Type. You will find the function in your Dynamic Post Type under “Post architecture”.

Website management

Why can’t I see GREYD.Hub?

Please check your WordPress user role. GREYD.Hub is only accessible for users with the user role “administrator” (for single sites) or “super administrator” (for multisites).

Templates & Post Types

Why do some Dynamic Templates fields not appear in the backend when filling a template with content?

Please make to give each element a unique name, even if you copy elements in the template, for example. If two elements have the same name, they are automatically filled with the same content and will not be listed individually as dynamic fields. This has the great advantage that you can easily copy template elements…

Templates & Post Types

How can I create dynamic lists that automatically adjust the number of bullets?

Dynamic Templates allow you to create dynamic lists with a flexible number of bullets. As long as you do not include any placeholders or similar in your dynamic template, the bullet will only appear in the frontend when it is filled with content. By the way: This also works if you use the Dynamic Template…

Website management

Links in GREYD.Hub do not work.

From GREYD.Hub, links will take you directly to the Customizer, the set-up page and the dashboard of your websites. However, if you use redirects or plugins that hide the login area of your website, these links may not work as long as you are not logged in on the corresponding page.