Design, Greyd.Blocks

Why do anchor links not jump exactly to the right position?

If you use anchor links to navigate your site, you may find that the page sometimes scrolls too far or not far enough. This is a common problem in WordPress.

But GREYD.SUITE offers a solution: You can set anchors with our block "anchor target" and define the offset individually and even set different values for different screen sizes.

Block Settings Anchor Target
Block Settings Anchor Target
Block Editor view with the block Anchor target
Block Editor view with the block Anchor target

In general, please note that anchors are case-sensitive, which means that you have to use the exact spelling (e.g. "Greyd" vs. "greyd").

When using anchors in your header on a website with several pages, please also make sure to include the full link to the page where your anchor is placed (e.g. for an anchor on your about page:" instead of "").

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