
WooCommerce & Greyd

Greyd.Suite is fully compatible with WooCommerce. Watch this video to find out about the many benefits and additional features you get when combining the two tools with each other – from conditions, to advanced query & search features to synchronizing WooCommerce products across several websites.

Integrations, Templates & Post Types

How do I send form and shop data to HubSpot?

With our HubSpot integration you can create recipients in HubSpot automatically from form entries and add them to your mailing lists. Data from your WooCommerce shop, such as orders, can also be sent to HubSpot very easily.


How to create overviews and sliders

In this video we show you how you can create super custom post overviews and sliders with Greyd.Suite's post slider block. With detailed frontend and backend filters, sorting options and even interactive live searches.

Greyd.Blocks, Templates & Post Types

How do I create frontend searches?

In this video we will show you how to create custom frontend searches with filtering and sorting options for the user. We also explain the extensive Advanced Search functions in Greyd.Suite.

Greyd.Blocks, Templates & Post Types

How do I create staging versions of my website?

Staging sites allow you to safely test new designs, settings, and plugins without affecting your live site. The staging overview keeps you in control and prevents data loss.

Website management

How to create quiz & live surveys

In this video, we are going to show you how to create interactive gamification elements in Greyd.Forms and add for example a quizz or survey with live feedback to your forms.

Forms & Popups

How do I create custom user roles?

With the user management of Greyd.Suite you can create custom user roles and define in detail who should be able to see and/or edit what on your website. You also benefit from time-saving admin functions.

Website management

Converting your classic website to FSE

In this video we will show you how our converter works. With that converter you can quickly and easily convert your websites built with our classic, Customizer-based, theme to Full Site Editing.

How to Start

How do I import / export content between websites?

Greyd.Suite offers you a very powerful import & export feature to copy any post type (e.g. pages, templates, forms, popups, posts, etc.) from website to another. Watch this video to see how it works.

Website management

Switching to Full Site Editing – How it works

Are you working with the WordPress Site Editor for the first time? Then watch this video and learn where to find the functions that were previously in the Customizer or in the "Menu" tab. We'll show you how the Site Editor works and how to edit your website templates and global design settings there.

How to Start

How to install Greyd.Suite

In this video, we will show you how to install Greyd.Suite and will show you around in the Greyd.Suite backend.

How to Start

How to set up the design of your website

In this video we show you how you can set the design of your website globally in the Site Editor. With the native Global Styles and the additional Greyd Styles you can not only set colors and fonts centrally, but also define the appearance of elements (e.g. buttons, form fields, etc.) globally. In addition, Greyd.Suite allows you to adjust spacing presets, benefit from fluid typography options and more.

How to Start

How do I work with templates and template parts?

In this video, we show you how to create and add templates and template parts using the Site Editor in Greyd.Suite.

Templates & Post Types

How do I create dynamic layout templates?

This video explains how easy it is to create and use layout templates that are independent from your content. Learn also how to change a template without affecting your content.

Templates & Post Types

How responsive web design works in Greyd.Suite

Greyd.Suite offers you a lots of additional options when it comes to responsive web design. From customizable block spacing presets and fluid typography to advanced responsive options in various blocks, especially the columns block.

How to Start

How do I connect forms with my tools?

Next to HubSpot & Salesforce, Greyd.Forms offers various additional interfaces to sync your form entries automatically with your marketing tools. Watch this video to learn, how easy it is and which possibilities you have got in terms of data protection.


How do I use input fields?

Input fields are used wherever you want the user to enter something. In this video, we will show you how to set up fields for name, address or other inputs and which settings you can make.

Forms & Popups

What are the basic settings in Greyd.Forms?

Learn how to deposit a general privacy text for your forms and how to protect them against bots & malware. The video also shows you how to prevent your form mails from ending up in the spam folder and how to connect Greyd.Forms with your tools.

Forms & Popups

How does the whole post & post type thing work?

In this video we will show you the entire process from creating a custom post type to designing the corresponding templates (post template, archive, search) and displaying certain posts with the query loop / post overview block.

Templates & Post Types

How do I get a faster website?

With Greyd.Suite creates websites with a very good page speed performance automatically. Additionally, we offer you many options to further improve your page speed very easily. Learn here how to improve the loading times for your website with just a few clicks.


How does the burger / dropdown / popover block work?

You`ll find the popover block in three different variants. Depending on where and how you use it, you can build inline popups, dropdowns or burger menus with it. This video shows you how it works.

Greyd.Blocks, Templates & Post Types

How do I create custom post types?

With Greyd.Suite you can create and design custom post types without coding. There's no need for any programming skills, technical know how or even WordPress knowledge to manage post content. Learn here how it works.

Templates & Post Types

How can I publish content on several websites?

Let us show you how to make your WordPress multisite a headless CMS to publish content from one website automatically on several sites.

Website management

How can I insert dynamic content and trigger actions?

The trigger picker is available in several blocks to link elements or trigger an action (e.g. open an email window or popup). With Dynamic Tags you can insert dynamic content like your website title, a copyright symbol or today's date. Learn more in this video.


How do I display posts as a table?

The Post Table block is a variant of the Post Overview and allows you to display post content in table form.

Greyd.Blocks, Templates & Post Types

How does the columns block work?

The columns block offers you lots of possibilities in GREYD.SUITE. It can be used to define the overall layout of a page and can also provides advanced responsive options. Plus, in GREYD.SUITE there are lots of effects like fancy backgrounds available in the columns block.


How can I make fields dependent from each other?

The conditional container block allows you to create dependencies between fields. Define, which fields should open after the user has chosen option A or B. Decide, if certain questions should be skipped depending on the user's entries.

Learn here, how easy it is to create dependencies in Greyd.Forms.

Forms & Popups

How the Block & Site Editor work in Greyd.Suite

This video is a comprehensive introduction to the WordPress Block and Site Editor. In the video you will not only learn how to build pages with the editors, but also which special features and additional functions are available through Greyd.Suite.

We show you how to find your way around the editor, which different views are available, where you define your global design settings and much more.

We also go into the differences between patterns and Greyd.Suite Dynamic Templates.

How to Start

How do I animate elements on my website?

With GREYD.SUITE you can animate almost any website element, choosing from a wide variety of effects and triggers.


How do I use image panels?

Image panels are a very good way to make your form more stylish. Instead of simple selection fields, show your user clickable image panels. This tutorial shows you the abundant, yet simple settings of the image panel block.

Forms & Popups